Frequently, I catch myself doubled over in laughter over her funny personality and funny sayings.
Here is just a sampling of some of her many funny moments... now just imagine all of these being said at the speed of sound in the voice of a 2 year old.
~ "My name is Hopeeeeeee Ewizabef Hogan," squealed at the top of her lungs.
~ To her brothers who told her that she is a princess.... "I'm not just a princess. I'm a Super-hero princess. Princesses can't fly, but super-heroes can... so I'm a Super Hero Princess"
~ Instead of saying "The End"" when we finish her bed time story... she says "Amen". This all started when Derrick explained that "Amen" means "The end, or let it be" and that is why we say it after we pray.
~ Hope's goodnight prayer...

Goodnight God! ( I love that she does this, and I can't help but imagine God smiling down at her.)